Chet: Whispers From the Past, Now In Hard-copy

For fans who have been asking for a hard-copy of Chet: Whispers From the Past, I’m delighted to let you know it is now available in paperback.

Picture of Chet: Whispers From the Past, back cover
Back cover
Picture of Chet: Whispers From the Past, front cover
Front cover

After more hours than I care to think about, Chet: Whispers From the Past, has been formatted for distribution as a 6 X 9 inch trade paperback. This is a larger format than the more common mass market paperbacks, but it allowed me to use a larger font so it will be easier to read. Now, and for years to come. At least I hope the Chet series will become classics in your library, and that you will enjoy reading them over and over again.

This beautiful trade paperback is available immediately from Amazon, Diesel, Barnes & Noble, and CreateSpace.

As a special thank you to readers of my blog, I have arranged a special discount for purchases through CreateSpace. Enter the discount code 3PJ4RGGX when checking out at CreateSpace to receive your exclusive 10% discount.

If you prefer to support your local bookstore, be sure to ask for Chet: Whispers From the Past. They can order it for you using ISBN 978-0615990408.

Chet II Progress Update

After sitting for six weeks, and then performing my “sanity” editing pass, Chet II is off to my editor. I’m excited to see this second installment in the Chet universe moving forward.

Although the release date hasn’t been finalized yet, I’m hoping it will be available by the fourth quarter.

Thanks to all the fans who have read Chet: Whispers From the Past, and have been clamoring for the release of the next book in the series. I’m grateful for your support, and hope you’ll continue to spread the word.